Deploy Typescript + NODEJS + vercel & .env
For several weeks after Heroku stopped the free tier, I have been scrapping the internet on how to deploy my express, nodejs apps with environment variables. All the resources I came across couldn’t help me archive my goals. If you are like me and in my case, I hope the step-by-step Tut. I have come up with could help you to get your dream out to the world faster.
STEP 1: initialize the node project
run this command in your terminal inside the folder you want to set up your project
* npm init -y
Install All dependencies
yarn add express typescript @types/express @types/node @types/dotenv dotenv ts-node -D
STEP 2: Create a tsconfig.json file
run this command to set up your tsconfig.json file in your project directory
* npx tsc — init — rootDir src — outDir build — esModuleInterop — resolveJsonModule — lib es6 — module commonjs — allowJs true — noImplicitAny true
You can keep the default tsconfig.json
only change “outDir”: “build”, to “outDir”: “dist”,
when the projects build you will get your outDir inside the tsconfig file set to build but change it to dist as illustrated above.
STEP 3: Add start to the script in package.json
Inside your package.json file, you need to modify the script key-value pair as shown before. Nodemon will help you run the application locally on your computer build if, for the deployment configuration, the test could be updated later when you want to test your application with a jest or any other testing framework.
“scripts”: {
“start”: “nodemon src/index.ts”,
“build”: “rimraf dist && tsc”,
“ts.check”: “tsc — project tsconfig.json”,
“add-build”: “git add dist”,
“test”: “echo \”Error: no test specified\” && exit 1"
STEP 4: Add Pre-commit hook
Again add pre-commit before you have to commit your application to GitHub. Since Vercel .js source it’s better to build it before committing to GitHub.
“pre-commit”: [
STEP 5: make a src folder inside your root dir.
from your terminal you can run this code below
mkdir src
navigate to src and create an index.ts from your terminal you can run this code below:
cd src
touch index.ts
STEP 6: Create a .env file in your root folder
from your terminal you can run the code below or you can just create the file.
touch .env
Add SERVERPORT in .env file
example: SERVERPORT = 9090
STEP 7: Add gitignore
from your terminal you can run the code below or create the .gitinore file
touch .gitignore
Add the following to your gitignore file, so that this won’t be pushed to GitHub for privacy reasons.
STEP 8: Git step up
In order for us to host our application on Vercel we need to add our project to Github.
git init
git add .
git commit -m “first commit”
git branch -M master
git remote add origin “your github origin”
git push -u origin master
add your need project from github on vercel
STEP 9: Create an account on Vercel or login
Before your deploy set the enviroment virable
Add Vercel.json file
inside your root folder add a vercel.json and add the following code below.
STEP 10: There you go, if this helped you and you want to show appreciation kindly support my youtube journey @